I only come on here to see my friends, I seek nothing more. If you wish to speak to me go ahead, but please treat me with respect. If your social skills are such that anything beyond ‘hi’ is a challenge, then forget it. As for sex, it is unlikely to happen, but if you have no real life experience, (and let’s be honest most of the people in RLC clearly haven’t ), then forget it. Do not start with 'nice tits' or 'So what kind of fun?' as you will be ignored.
I have never believed in equating my self-worth with the number of friends I have, but more with the quality of my friendships. Hence after six years I have 16 solid and true friends,…you may have thousands, but I bet only one or two are real friends. What that means is I don't add, and if I do it will be after knowing someone for a long time; Months as opposed to seconds. If that is an issue, just walk on by. I am totally content with the friends I have and seek nothing more.
I have some blogs, one on my rules of conduct, and four on how to have good sex in here. They are for you to read if you wish, I hope you enjoy them. I have no interest in proving or living up to what I have written. I am not a product to be taken off the supermarket shelve for a test drive. I also have no interest in people that choose RLC over RL and spend 24/7 in here. RLC is for fun, it is not an excuse for real life.
Oh and yes I know I don't have a photo of me, read into that what you like. But seeing as many do have pictures of other people and pretend it's them on their profile, what's the point? Besides I am against the idea of walking in to work and having some son-of-a-fruit-drop say "Guess where I saw you last night?" Besides, given the nature of RLC, it attracts a lot of lonely, desperate and sometimes nasty people, so do you really think I would be silly enough to have my picture on my profile?
The cartoons,
yes I did the captions, hope you like. They reflect my sense of humour.

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