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Peggy_DD's Profile
52 years old 
San Francisco, CA 
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Peggy_DD is taking a break. wish people would just be honest
Last Profile Login: 12/3/2024
Last World Login: 11/26/2024
Member Since: 2/4/2020
General Info
I Am Here For: To Meet People
Marital Status: Single
Children: Have children
Education: High School
Religion: Spiritual, but not Religious
Smoke: Yes
Drink: Yes
Occupation: bartender
Body Type: Average
Height: 5' 7"
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Languages: English
Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: Just Looking, an all girls MC
Sexual Fantasies: love, it's a fantasy
Sex is Best: with someone you care for
Cybersex: Yes
I Want You To: Talk Dirty to Me, be honest
Cybersex Personality: Not Too Wild, Adventurous, lets find out
My Web Gifts

A gift from uname

Sent 12/12/2012
Peggy_DD's Scoop
About me:
A long time back I started an all girls MC in RLC called Devil Dolls. At that time I have never been part of an MC in Rlc but have been in many families and clubs during my time in-world. I was a member of a vampire family, a dragon family, and strip clubs.

Recently I left HAMC. I was patched in with the HAMC Brotherhood Chapter and left them for a while because there was zero communication and contact with Pres Bo and members. Some months later I was recrutied to join the Nomads Chapter of HAMC. I made tents for them and also made their cuts. I stayed with them for a long time but after being with a club where there were no members, no meetings, no communication, and no fellowship, I decided to turn in my cut. I was never part of any drama and have no problems with any of them. I was just looking for a little more.

Before joining HAMC, I did start my own MC, DEVIL DOLLS, but because at that time, my RL life got crazy and busy. I couldn't be in world enough time to run it and recruit.
I have seen that starting a MC Isn't that easy and thought I would like to come along side another MC that would be interested in having a womans axillary or sister club similar to what Saints and Sinners had going.
My time in RLC is limited so I am more interested today in joining an established RLC MC. I am no longer recruiting for my MC and will look to see where my ride in RLC will take me and with who.

My Mom passed away recently. It's so hard to lose your mom. I feel lost. Sorry that I haven't been around but I have been taking care of her estate and funeral arrangements. I lost my bf in here while I was out of state.

About my 3%er patch:

The Three Percenters (also styled 3 Percenters, 3%ers and III%ers) are an American far-right militia movement and paramilitary group. ... The group's name derives from the disputed claim that only three percent of American colonists took up arms against the Kingdom of Great Britain during the American Revolution. Purpose: Gun rights advocacy


I thought about joining an existing MC but decided to see what I can do. It seems all clubs advertise a no drama club but I'm willing to bet with little success. I will only say that if you are in RLC, you are old enough to handle your own drama. As a club, we will not get involved in your private or RLC love life.
I ride a bike in RL and I know a lot about the "Biker" lifestyle. I am excited to meet and make some good friends in RLC.

Devil Dolls MC will be an all-girls MC. We are not a lesbian club but we will welcome any sexual orientation. We will be a sisterhood and will interact with any and all RLC MC'S.
Our motto will be: "If it's not yours, don't take it. If it's not true, don't say it. If it is not right, don't do it. Honor God, Family, and Country."



Our lifestyle will be simple: Sisterhood and having fun

Devil Dolls will not have dues
Devil Dolls will not have mandatory meetings
Devil Dolls will have no prospect period
Devil Dolls will have one rule: RESPECT-YOUR SISTERS AND OTHERS
Officers positions will be filled as original members join
All members have a voice and a vote
Additional guidelines will be added as needed


This is a new profile, but I am not new to RLC. I left after being hurt by people I thought were my friends and deleted my account with plans not to return. After a year or so I am back. I will never again let anyone dictate my fate. I have learned that if you stay angry at someone, you give them control over you that they don't even know they have.

MySpace Layouts
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Cute Pictures

Who I'd like to meet:
I would like to meet girls who like to have fun, joke around, party hard, and share the love of riding bikes. I want to meet strong women who know who they are and not afraid to pursue excellence.




More About Peggy_DD
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